Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ram's Bachelor Party

Date: 12th October 2006
Venue: Hotel Green Park, Chennai

The last G2G with my college friends was in Ram's Bachelor Party. As scheduled we agreed to meet @ Hotel. As usual started late by a hour. Rams, prabu, rajesh, vinay, thiru, Nettai rams & sivaraj were with me. Its after a long time I met my friends. Lots of fun and as usual I am one among the target. Nettai rams who joined late ended the 'water' session. To my surprise prabu was competing with rajesh in this.

Siva was busy with my mobile in taking snaps. Unfortunately he was not captured. Also his choice of food was sambar rice & curd rice (Thaangala!!) Pannai joined the veg group with me & siva(puratassi Month!!!).

Finally rajesh came to form in making fun of others. After lot of fun we departed late in the evening. Thanks rams for the nice evening....

More fun loaded @

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