Friday, November 13, 2009


"When diet goes wrong, medicine is of no use; when diet is correct, medicine is of no need"

This is a famous saying that throws light on the importance of nutrition. We meet the doctor when in need but neglect the diet when we feel we are healthy!!!
The National Nutrition Week was celebrated from 1st to 7th September 2009, in India. During this week , people actually give more importance to the diet or food pattern that they follow. But this should not just be limited for a week, and this requires your effort for a lifetime…. starting now. The topic of Nutrition is an ocean. But we have a small blog on basic nutrition for our dear clients. Read along to know more…..


Aim for fitness

* Aim to manage your weight :Maintain a healthy weight for your height.
* Be physically active: Diet is the spark and exercise is the fuel. Without both, no fire and no results.

Build a healthy base

* Opt for a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol. More the saturated fats and cholesterol, more the risk of heart problems.
* Limit your intake of sugars: Keep extra sugars at bay, for diabetes you do not make way.
* Prepare foods with less salt :Limit salt to maintain a healthy blood pressure

Choose sensibly

* Let the food pyramid guide your food choices: To be healthy and fit, do not reverse it.
* Choose a variety of grains and pulses : Colour your food right with yellow, brown and white.
* Fruits & vegetables: Add more colour to your platter, to make you fitter.

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