Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year and a new YOU?

Let these New Year resolutions help you turn over a healthy new leaf:
1. I shall eat sensibly and not try FAD diets
Don't be tempted by the promise of super-fast results. The way to reach and maintain healthy weight is to adapt your lifestyle gradually, to reduce the amount you eat, include healthy foods and be more active. Crash diet aren't good for your health and they don't work in the long run.

2. I will eat breakfast everyday
This is a very worthwhile resolution, because a good breakfast provides the energy you need to begin your day. Make a healthy choice for breakfast as it can help in maintaining a healthy body weight. Remember that skipping breakfast will not help you to lose weight.

3. I will eat more fruits and vegetables
Get your natural dose of vitamins and minerals through fresh fruits and veggies. These are generally low in fat, help to fill you up and make very healthy snacks if you get hungry in between meals.
4. I shall limit sugary and salty foods
It's a good idea to try to cut down on foods and drinks that contain lots of added sugar, such as biscuits, cookies, sweets, jams and sugary juices and soft drinks. As for salt, it's important to cut down on salt as it contains sodium and having too much sodium can raise the blood pressure. Most of the salt in our diet comes from processed, packaged, restaurant, or fast food. So check the food labels and opt for lower sodium content foods.
5. I shall limit refined grain products
Avoid refined grain products like white breads, pastas,noodles and foods made with "maida". Instead go for whole grain cereals and legumes which are long lasting form of energy and will keep you full for longer.
6. I shall drink more water
Replace your calorie laden beverages like sodas, sugary drinks, excessive teas and coffees with plain water. Carry a refillable water bottle at all times to ensure that you are well hydrated throughout the day.
7. I shall start exercising and be regular
Being physically active is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle and one of the best ways to lose weight and keep it off. Regular physical activity and exercise will make any healthy eating plan work even better. Whatever form of physical workout you choose, let it be enjoyable and try to do it regularly.
8. I will cut down on alcohol and STOP smoking
There is nothing wrong with an occasional drink, but drinking too much can cause problems. Alcohol is also source of "empty calories", so cutting down could help in controlling weight. Avoid binge drinking as drinking heavily over a long period can damage the liver.
Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and diminishes a person's overall health. The combination of smoking, liberal drinking and poor nutrition conceivably elevates the risk for various chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
So usher in the 2010 with some healthy resolutions to make it a "Happy, Healthy & Prosperous" New Year !
Cheers !

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